Youth Task Force Martha's Vineyard

About Us

In 2004, the YTF was established in response to concerns about the findings of the 1999 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) which documented high levels of substance use and other risky behaviors amongst Martha's Vineyard youth in grades 9-12. Today, the Youth Task Force (YTF) is a coalition of over 50 volunteer community members who work together to help children and adolescents make healthy decisions.

Kids Sitting

Our Mission

The Youth Task Force mission is to reduce substance use and other risky behaviors by promoting community-wide health and wellness for youth and families through a cooperative integrated network of youth, parents, health practitioners, health and social service organizations, public officials, educators, law enforcement officers, and other community members.

Kids on Beach

Our Vision

Our vision is a mobilized Martha’s Vineyard community with a culture that values substance use prevention.

Girls Huddling

YTF Staff & Board


  • Angela Knapp
  • Susan Mercier
  • Scott Mullin

Steering Committee

  • Christine Thompson Colbert

Legacy Steering Committee

  • Mike Joyce
  • Susan Doyle
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Contact Us

Ways You Can Donate

In Person

Contact us to set up a time to deliver your donation in person


Directly donate online through our secure donation portal

Over the Phone

Contact us to arrange a donation over the phone

By Mail

Donations may be sent to

PO Box 163 Chilmark, MA 02535

Join Our Community!

Star Splash

Stay connected with the Martha's Vineyard Youth Task Force and be the first to know about our latest programs, events, and initiatives that support youth well-being on the island. Sign up for our newsletter andhelp us build a healthier, safer future for our young people.

Newsletter CTA